Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Secrets from a Life Coach By Kim Somers Egelsee

1.. How long have you been a life coach?I have been a life coach for over ten years.

2. In your experience, what, or who rather, is a life coach? (your definition) A life coach is someone who walks the walk and talks the talk of a successful, fulfilling, and happy life. They know how to balance things in their life, have positive relationships and are extremely authentic.  They are often trained in many different modalities with varying college degrees, and often have experience in self help or personal development.  A true coach will help their clients with issues, problems or any confusion they have, by helping them have breakthroughs as to why these are occurring, help them to change their behavior, attitude and communication, and enable them to repair, heal and improve their lives. A great coach will help their clients find, focus and get clear on what they truly want, who they are and to live their passions. They will empower  people to change their life for the better, change anything that isn't working, and heal emotions. An extraordinary coach elevates their client to push them past what they formerly believed they were capable of, and helps them get to their potential. They are an accountability partner, mentor and teacher too.

3. What makes life coaching different or unique from other forms of counseling?
Life Coaching is unique because clients  receive tips, tools and action strategies right away that can begin to change their lives that they can use forever. Often life coaches use NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming; which Tony Robbins is famous for), hypnotherapy, and other coaching modalities. A coach and client co-create a person's life plan, and often work together long term for focus, accountability, strategic planning and empowerment. As a life coach, in my VIP programs, I interview each client and have them fill out a questionnaire. I then develop a unique curriculum, schedule and plan just for them and use various modalities including several that I have created. This way, they have a program designed just for them like no other.

4. What can a client gain from working with a life coach?
In working with a life coach, clients can gain better self esteem, confidence, and belief in themselves. They can get the areas of their lives that aren't working so well, to a higher level, get very clear on goals, passions, life purpose and dreams, and communicate more positively and powerfully. People who work with a life coach can learn to see life in a new brighter way, increase money and success and have better relationships. They can tune in to who they truly are, and begin to sculpt their life exactly as they wish to. Clients can get to the root of why some things aren't working, get rid of fear, negativity and uncertainty, and begin to really move forward in life fearlessly and excited.

5. What are some common reasons that you have experienced for why people are skeptical about working with a life coach, and how have you (or at least attempted to) overcome these doubts?
People can be skeptical about working with a life coach because that aren't quite sure what a coach can do for them. Maybe they are afraid to open up. Often, they have met or seen someone who isn't an excellent coach, and that shaped their image of a life coach. I have overcome these doubts with people by thoroughly explaining what I offer through speaking events and workshops, my videos, website, books and phone calls about my coaching programs. When people meet me, they can see, hear and feel that I am an authentic person who walks the talk, and deeply cares about others. Additionally, feedback, awards, testimonials, possibly a book or two, and referrals all help erase any doubts people have about life coaches.

6. How can a life coach help someone stick to their New Year’s resolutions, or establish them? A life coach can help someone establish new year's goals and resolutions by meeting with them and working on fun goal setting  exercises, and going over tools for achieving goals. The life coach can work with the client all year to be an accountability partner, checking in, adapting, and coaching them through their top goals and dreams to ensure that all are achieved and that their life becomes even better.

7. What are some common issues you see in your clients at the beginning of a new year, and what are some tips or practices you use to help with those issues? Some common issues that I see in my clients at the start of the year are uncertainty and fear coming up about what they may or may not achieve, being unclear on what goals to set, wanting to make big changes, but not knowing where to begin, and being overwhelmed by all that they want in life. These clients often enroll in my 6-12 month VIP programs where we work on getting rid of the fear, becoming more powerful and confident , getting focused on what the client really wants, making space for greatness to come in , balancing their schedule, and creating an action plan. We do this through  coaching, exercises, visualizations, teachings, discussions and more.

8. If you are willing to share, what are some resolutions you have made this year and how do you plan to fulfill them? Some of the resolutions and goals I've created for myself this year include planning, hosting and speaking at three large events, speaking at many businesses, groups and corporations,  producing and hosting my own web series, Passion Power Confidence, getting more guest spots, and hosting on network television, and traveling at least 6 times a year with my family. I ensure I will fulfill these because I am fueled by my passion for each and know that they are part of my life's purpose for helping millions of people lead extraordinary lives. I have each written out in a special goal setting method, regularly evaluate how I am doing, and visualize success often. I also create a vision board for the goals, and have several accountability partners to talk with regularly to ensure my success. Additionally, for large and small steps achieved, I reward myself in both big and little ways.

9. Have you made resolutions in the past that you did not stick with? If so, what do you think went wrong and how could have it been prevented? In the past I have made resolutions that I didn't stick with and realized that this was because my " why" was not strong enough. A goal has to make you excited, feeling ignited and fuel you toward it's achievement. I now am careful to rate each goal 1-10+ and only choose those that rate a ten or higher.

10. What resolutions have you made, or have seen others make, that were successful; what methods were used to succeed? I have made many resolutions that have been successful including writing my book and making it a best seller, living fit and healthy with a vegan diet and fitness plan, and more. I have also seen clients and others achieve resolutions to lose weight and keep it off, repair a love relationship and getting a college degree. The methods used to succeed were proper goal setting, excellent support, feedback and accountability; asking for help when needed, asking for feed back from others along the way, evaluating yourself and regularly working with a coach, mentor or partner. Of course having a passion and love for what they're  going for is a strong "why" and fuels  you too. 

11. What, if any, are some changes to the way you practice life coaching that you will implement this year? Or what do you hope to improve?
This year in addition to my speaking, hosting, and writing I will be offering VIP 6-12 month coaching programs so that I can work long term with people to achieve long term results. I will use more of my ten plus life coaching methods, imagination methodology techniques that I have created and more. I plan to study more techniques to broaden and improve my coaching practice even more. 

12. If there was one thing you would want the public to know about life coaching, what would it be
To think we can always see ourselves clearly or know how others see us can be delusional . Life coaching can help with this. It can be a way to ask for help, grow, learn, achieve more and soar. 
Life coaching can absolutely help you to love your life, feel fulfilled and live extraordinary. Six to twelve months of coaching can shape, change and improve your life in amazing ways.  It can help you be who you truly are and get you to your highest potential. 

13. Any other comments to add?
I am genuinely thrilled to work with people 1:1 or in groups to help them lead and live ten plus extraordinary lives. This fuels me to always go the extra mile with helping people. My biggest reward is seeing people shift into their highest power and potential. 

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