Tuesday, November 20, 2012


By Kim Somers Egelsee
We are always making new year's resolutions for specific goals, actions and habits. Why not instead, decide now with a firm commitment to have more happiness, passion and peace in 2013? This will ensure you have an excellent year. If we follow our heart and take part in what we are passionate and enthusiastic about, this will create more happiness. Since we won't be doing as many things that we do not like or resonate with; those things we feel like we "have" to or "should" be doing, we will have less stress and strife, and much more peace. How do we we commit to this new plan and stick with it? It starts with changing our state and influencing ourself. We must do things out of our comfort zone, and train our brain to shift. Try something new each week. Even small changes such as doing ten jumping jacks before your next networking meeting to enhance your enthusiasm will influence you to shift your attitude, and soon this will become a habit. You can make a list of what you are passionate about, read it daily, and start adding these things into your life, bit by bit. For example, if writing excites you, take an extension class on becoming a magazine columnist. If travel floats your boat, start saving for that dream trip to The Bahamas. In the meantime, plan excursions to local places that have unique appeal such as Catalina Island, The Latin American Museum of Art in Long Beach or San Juan Capistrano. Soon, because you are shifting your state, and taking action on your passions, your attitude, demeanor, mood and overall being will be happier and mpre at peace, which leads to increased success.