Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Jump Into Your Greatness for 2015!

You can now Access Jump Into Your Greatness for 2015!

On this call Kim Somers Egelsee guides you through a powerful Ten+ Goal Setting System like no other, that ensures a mind shift into achievement, focus and moving forward fearlessly.

Kim also shares 7 Steps and Strategies for Daily Magnificent Moments, being in the now, letting opportunities flow in, and allowing your truest self to emerge. Plus how to remove fears, blocks, doubts and uncertainties about big goals you have for 2015.

Click Here to Access the call and worksheets!

Here's to a Powerful 2015!

Kyle Wilson and the Lessons From Network Team

P.S. Starting today, we have a Special Full-Access 14-Day Trail to Kim Somers Egelsee’s 10 Weeks to Confidence.

Gain access to the same 50+ PROVEN Training, Tools, Strategies and Exercises that have worked for CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Authors, Speakers, Celebrities and more!

To access the Special Trail Offer Click Here

Wednesday, December 24, 2014



To truly enjoy life, you need inspiration, passion, and positivity. To be “in love” with your life you need to be in your full positive power, purpose, have significance, love and relationships. Many of us are confused as to how to get to all of these things. Well, it all begins with a commitment to work on ourselves. Some of us get so caught up in daily life, that it can become robotic and monotonous. There has to be a way to shift out of this, make some amazing changes, and move forward with enthusiasm.  The good news is that there are numerous ways. Sometimes, one small shift and your entire life can change in enormous fantastic ways.

QUESTION: "I am feeling bored and mediocre in my life. I know I am capable of more, and want to make changes, but don’t even know where to start. I have trouble focusing in my current environment, because I am so used to things the way that they are. What can I do to make positive transformations?"

Sometimes we need a huge shift to snap us out of what we are used to. The most effective way to do this is to go on a retreat. When we retreat, we step out of what we are used to, where there are no memories, no bills, negativity, or clutter. We clear our minds by being in nature, being either by ourselves or with positive people. We have the opportunity to focus on self, read, learn, grow, let true intuitive thoughts float in, and start to know our truest inner selves. 

There are different categories of retreats that can help. Even taking two hours and going on a hike or to the beach can help. A yoga class, gardening, a positive event or workshop, or a meeting with a coach or mentor is very inspiring. Vacations or trips are excellent as well. The best, most powerful way to move forward and grow is to go on a weekend or week long retreat or journey that is devoted to self transformation.. This involves being with great individuals, attending motivational workshops, participating in mind stimulating exercises, and learning to make effective changes in your life, without being distracted by anything at home. The quality of the people you connect with, being in the beauty of nature, and the knowledge you acquire will anchor in that success mindset, which sets your mindset for transformation to find your purpose, passions, true positive power and move forward fearlessly.

For more information on workshops, one day and weekend retreats and events see

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Counting Your Blessings with Love ~ By Ahtisham Khero

Relationships are truly blessings while love is the world’s best creation by the Creator.  Relationships connect the soul to the soul...the heart to the heart by developing feelings, emotions, positive thoughts, and visualization. 
Sometimes, people can’t understand this amazing gratification of life with love and warmth so they to try to find out what are the causes and reasons and get wedged in thoughts until finally they get handicapped by restrictions, limitation and fears.  Whereas, on the other side, some people feel that we are blessed by God with love, sincerity, feelings, expressions, happiness, understanding, spiritual connection, and some even find their soulmate.  
So rather than being captive by conceptual barriers, a person could shift their perception of love and welcome blessings instead because most of the time conceptual barriers create blocks which directly affects natural expressions,  feelings, and can also create blocks within your partner, as well.  Yet when we welcome blessings, it makes your life so much more beautiful and satisfying.

As life is a journey of ups and downs, so too are relationships that can also go through certain phases over a period of time.  And an indispensable way to get back on track is to communicate, share, express love and give more time to each other to balance the expression of connection. I personally believe relationships can sustain and last a lifetime when there is connection.  And all that it truly takes is to take care of this connection and nurture it.  

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Growing, Learning, Moving Forward and Soaring to Success By Kim Somers Egelsee

Question: "I feel like I am at a stand still in life. I am bored and am not sure what steps to take next? What should I do?"

One of the fastest ways for you to grow yourself and your business, find your purpose, meet phenomenal people, gain life altering knowledge, evolve as a person, and have the positive powerful energy of success is to be involved in a mastermind and/or regularly attend workshops, seminars, events or retreats. 

Many wonder what all of the fuss or hype is all about? Why can't I just sit home and read or watch a DVD? Reading, watching a DVD, or listening to inspiring CDs in the car are very effective ways to grow and achieve. However, the difference when you actually attend and participate in a  positive live event or meeting is HUGE! You truly stimulate all of your senses, and engage your mind in very deep ways. The energy created by you and those around you can be felt throughout the room. The energy of being involved in a mastermind, workshop, seminar or retreat with positive people creating growth and change together is an extraordinary shift for all involved. However, you do have to be "involved". 

Here are some tips for getting the most out of seminars and retreats:

  1. Choose the right ones to attend with your heart and your intuition. Are the right positive like-minded people going to attend? Does this topic stimulate my mind? Would my life be enhanced by attending this? Would memories be created by being there?
  2. Have the intention right away that you will grow and evolve. Soak it in. It doesn't mean that you have to use all of the information but take it in like a college course and use what applies to you.
  3. Communicate with others there; the attendees, the speaker or teacher. Get to know them. (Some of the people you meet at seminars become life long friends, strategic partners, referral buddies, accountability partners and more.) Personally, I have done the research. Personal development events are the BEST way to meet the people that uplift you personally, AND help you in your success in business.
  4. Take notes, visualize, be receptive and open minded. Take it in and apply it.
  6. Be approachable and flexible.
  7. Feel the energy, power, greatness of knowledge and extraordinary learning, growth and change.
  8. Finally, realize that when you step out of your home or office into an event or workshop that inspires, it brings out your spirit within (where there are no phone calls, computers, or distractions nearby). It elevates your consciousness bit by bit. And, step by step you evolve into your true self.