Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Step 1: You Can Get Your Life To A 10 + if you BELIEVE"

The first step is to believe you can get your life to a ten plus. If you don't believe in yourself and your capabilities, it cannot happen. The way that this can occur is to change the way that you talk to yourself. make sure there is no negative self talk. Instead of telling yourself that you are not good enough, this can never happen, I'd do that if only..., start telling yourself that you are amazing, that you can and will do it!
Even if you initially do not believe the things you are telling yourself, your mind will absorb it, and eventually believe it, resulting in huge positive changes and opportunities in your life.
Next, make sure that the things that you believe are really about you. They may be comments or criticisms that you were told at a young age, that have stuck with you. It is sometimes difficult for people to let go of these words and beliefs if they came from a loved one. It stems from a fear of that loved one no longer being right (the parent figure not being a hero anymore). It's okay to realize that these people were wrong about you, let it go, and know that they did the best with the tools that they had, just like you. The good news is that these beliefs can all be changed. The tools can all be learned.
Start today with evaluating the words you use and the beliefs that you have about yourself. Anyhting that is negative, turn it into a positive, and watch your life change and start to soar.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


       Getting your life to a "10" plus is truly possible and so worth it! Of course, why wouldn't you want to, right? The first step is to BELIEVE it will happen! Your thoughts are more powerful than you think. Next, to make this belief a foundation, you can state that your life purpose is to become the best you, in line with your true self that you can; the best version of yourself possible.  (Later, you can expand on your life purpose). How to become your best self? It does take work, but the steps are fun, amazing, and become a way of life. The third step is to read, listen to CDs in the car, watch DVDs, attend seminars; all on personal development. Listen to the greats; Jim Rohn, Napoleon Hill, Niurka, Anthony Robbins, John Maxwell and more. Spend at least 2 hours per day absorbing this life changing material. Trust me, it WILL change your life, and you will start thinking clearer and more positive. This investment in your self will allow you to help others just by being you. Fourth, start to evaluate what in your life needs changing. Do you need to hang around more inspiring people? Do you need to stop mindless television watching? Could you spend an extra ten minutes exercising? After making a list of these things, you can get to work. Once you make the space by getting rid of anything negative, you make room for greatness to come in.
          For the fifth step, you can find someone to help you out. Everyone can benefit from a mentor or coach.They can help you get to that extra level of success and joy. It should be someone that you can relate to. This coach or mentor can help you with setting and achieving goals, releasing emotional baggage, guidance, and working on aspects of your life that could use improvement such as finances, relationships or purpose. Be sure to choose who is right for you. Sometimes, a coach is best to start with, and then you choose someone as a mentor as a role model. After all of this work on yourself, it's time to write out some goals. It's best to pick about three to start with. Make sure to word them positively, and that they are in line with your true self. Break these goals into benchmarks, and take steps daily towards these goals.
           Finally, the most important step is to check yourself regularly by asking questions and taking action. Evaluate by asking yourself if you are acting, behaving, talking and being who you truly are in line with your purpose. Make sure that what you are regularly reading, where you are going, who you are with, and what you are doing are matching that of who you see yourself becoming. Be sure that you are taking action daily on getting your life to this high level of happiness and success, and soon you will realize that your life has gotten to a "10 PLUS".