Tuesday, February 22, 2011


          The fifth step in getting your life to a 10 plus, is to ask for help. People need one another. Thats the beauty of life; "RELATIONSHIPS". To truly see yourself clearer and more objectively, most people need support of some sort. It may be in the form of a coach, mentor, best friend, or counselor. A mastermind group is also a great support for motivation, inspiration and accountability. If you can say that your life is not at a ten in all areas; (for example, self care, social life, love relationship, friendships, family life, career/purpose, finances, and spiritual life), you can use some help. Even the people whose lives are at a ten plus regularly get advice and guidance from someone. Why not create your life by design and let yourself soar? What would that be worth to you? Do you believe that it's possible? Of course it is!
          Now that you have made the conscious decision to have an even more extraordinary spectacular life, what do you do? Who do you contact? Take some time to think about who would be your best fit. Would a life coach help you get to the next level, and eliminate anything negative? Do you need a mentor, someone that you can regularly meet with and learn from? Would going to five great seminars benefit you this year? Maybe you should join a mastermind group, or form your own. All of the above would be ideal. Why not push your own envelope and move quickly toward greatness this year. Now, think on it, plan it, and take action!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


               Step four ingetting your life to a 10 plus involves regular evaluation of self. I suggest at least four times per year to truly look at what you are regularly doing, who you are spending your time with, if you are meeting your goals, whats going great, the improvements that are needed, and overall how you are feeling on a daily basis. This can involve an hour of your time, in a quiet area with a blank sheet of paper in your journal, where you write out all of these things and analyze them.
               Another great suggestion is to have a person that you regularly meet with to discuss these things weekly. For example, my husband and I take an hour at dinner on Sunday evenings and discuss our week. We talk about the things we did amazing, what we learned, how we can get better, and the steps we took toward our goals. These dinners are often celebrations of our successes that week. They also consist of honest feedback and suggestions. We even involve our four and a half year old daughter Noella.
               A thorough way to self evaluate and grow is also with the help of a life coach or mentor, where you can regularly meet with the person and review your life, making profound, meaningful changes and move forward. A mastermind group is also fun and great for accountability. It is a regular group you meet with once or twice per month to network, discuss goals, receive ideas, and be held accountable by like minded friends for you to follow through with your dreams. This powerful team of success minded beings become one another's support system.
                Remember to ask yourself regularly, " who am I spending time with"? "what am I doing with my time"?, "what choices am I making"? " what can I do to be more successful, happier, more fulfilled"?, "If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to"? These questions will help you to regularly evaluate if you are moving forward in life.
               Most importantly, be proud of yourself. Just the time you take to learn how you are doing, is a step in the right direction. For information on life coaching, mentors and how to form your own mastermind group, contact me at kimmy_somers@yahoo.com and check out http://www.kimlifecoach.com/