Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Women Feel Your POWER!!!

An amazing way to live is by feeling 100% confident in your full positive power as a female. This means being in love with you, applauding yourself for your achievements, exuding and radiating joy, being excited about life, and having the nerve to be YOU. Having the vulnerability to be open, accessible to others, and living by example. Being in your full power means being an example by just being you. Your energy is so strong and positive that people and opportunities are drawn to you naturally. Your life's purpose becomes clearer and you are more focused. You dare to smile at strangers, speak up at events or meetings, take steps toward your dreams daily, and dance around when you feel like it. What a fun and adventurous way to live!
Think of women that are in their full power; Madonna, Oprah, Niurka, Heidi Klum, Venus and Serena Williams, Angelina Jolie, Sarah Jessica Parker and more! They are all uplifting the world with their unique personalities, and you can be too! These women all have extreme confidence, are daring, bold, outspoken, know their purpose, play hard. They make sure to truly take large and small steps toward their passions each day. These steps accumulate into epic extraordinary life experiences.
Start by creating a journal for two weeks, and writing down how you were in your full power each day. You will be more aware of your behaviors, communication, attitude and self daily, which will motivate you to go for it. Learn from others, books, workshops and practice.
You will begin waking up excited to start each day, embracing new opportunities and life overall.
Come experience and learn full power at Women's Exhilaration Day August 14th in Huntington Beach with inspiring speakers, a profound guided meditation that releases negative emotions, luncheon, goddess photos, interactive booths, true connections, wine and chocolate reception and more! Register http://www.kimlifecoach.com/
Also, check out the monthly Willow Tree Women's Circle in L.A. and in O.C.
With this much support and growth for getting into your full positive power, you will get there fast!
Have a blessed day!