Thursday, June 2, 2011

Finding Your Life's Purpose

By Kim Somers Egelsee
Inspirational speaker/

Throughout our lives, we achieve, succeed, learn, grow, play and much more. Much of this we do with the help, participation and involvement of other people. Sometimes we have a group of people that we spend regular time with. Other times it is our best friend, significant other or co-worker. Additionally, it can be the help of a mentor, coach, workshop or seminar. One phrase or sentence from someone can be life changing, inspirational and filled with meaning. Something you hear, learn or experience can cause you to change your path and move toward your true dreams. Regardless of which human being is involved, we get a lot of joy from letting others into our lives. Relationships are fundamental to a fulfilling life.
Following your passion makes life easier, more fulfilling and enables you to be a living example For some people in today’s times, a new business or a side business can lead to greater income freedom and stability.. For others, moving up or growing in their current career is inspirational. Ultimately, finding your deep dreams, passions and purpose is key to getting every area of your life to a 10 plus.
          July 9, 2011 in Huntington Beach, Kim Somers Egelsee and Howard Crampton Jr. are leading a life purpose workshop that will be life changing. They will be helping people find their purpose, gain focus and clarity about their lives, create definitive dreamboards for manifestation, eliminate emotional baggage holding you back and much more. is the official sponsor of the extraordinary workshop. The special positive word decals will be used for definitive dreamboarding.
Readers that mention Good Terms will receive special priced admission of $97 per person for this workshop. Contact Kim Somers Egelsee at or for this special rate.