Saturday, January 31, 2015

When Feedback Enables Us to Grow by Kim Somers Egelsee

Let me ask you an important question. Have you ever spent the time to get true feedback?

If we don't have feedback from those we trust, we aren't really sure how the world views us. We might underestimate ourselves, or be uncertain about our strengths and gifts. Feedback can help us know, let out and own our true gifts, talents, abilities, and strengths. It helps us see ourselves as others do. Feedback can enable us to change, grow, repair and adjust, so that we are being our best selves.

I challenge you today to email 8 people you trust with these three questions:

1. How do you see me?

2. What gifts and talents do I have?

3. What is some constructive criticism or feedback you can give me ?

See what happens and how your life changes!

And speaking of feedback, I have very exciting news! The feedback from my Ten Weeks to Confidence Course has been so extraordinary, that we have realized that this program is so much more than confidence. It has deep wisdom, growth, immediate strategies for freedom from stress, fear and blocks. It has lessons in wealth, abundance, prosperity, fuel for success, focus and flow.

So in celebration of this feedback we have decided to rename the course:

Kim Somers Egelsee’s 10 Weeks to Transformation, Wealth, Confidence & Success

This is so rewarding and thrilling that we are pleased to offer you the course for just two payments of $97.

This includes unlimited access for one year to all ten recordings and worksheets, power interviews with over twenty fantastic celebrities, authors and experts, including sales expert Jeffrey Gitomer, well-known lead guitarist for Def Leppard Phil Collen, Fitness guru Amanda Russell, and more.

The course also gives you group coaching calls bi weekly, where you can call in with any questions, advice or feedback on confidence, business, personal life and more.

Sign up today for just two payments of $97!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Paint with a Broad Brush" by Featured Author, Elizabeth McGrath

Paint with a Broad Brush in 2015 – Appreciation

Whenever I travel for business purposes, I try to take in the local sights of the area I am temporarily visiting. I never know if I will have the good fortune of returning, so I always enjoy seeing new places!  

Having not spent a great deal of time in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, I decided to get up early and take a ferry ride. Growing up in the Land of 10,000 Lakes has always made me a lover of open water, and this was no exception. While the day was a bit cloudy and misty, the temperature was perfect for walking around and exploring. 

At the conclusion of my sightseeing, I walked out of the depot and much to my amazement, I was greeted by a stunning double rainbow. I couldn’t remember the last time I had witnessed one in person or if in fact I had ever had the pleasure. I quickly snapped a couple of pictures in order to capture the feeling of beauty I was experiencing. The sight was gorgeous and filled with symbolism – I just stood there and had what I call a “moment.”

What is a “moment” you ask?

For me, “having a moment” has become synonymous with becoming overwhelmed with and/or aware of a sense of deep appreciation.  Suddenly I am cognizant of being connected to everything and everyone at the same time.  Ahhhh…wow.  

When we truly appreciate something, we are anchored in a state of increased value, both for the object and maybe more importantly, for ourselves. Springing from this feeling of increase, we can be overcome with a deep sense of gratitude and thankfulness. When we feel this good, there is neither room for stress nor any form of negativity to enter our presence.

So I ask myself what might it take for me to carry this feeling of deep appreciation with me throughout the day?

The answer comes almost effortlessly… you must simply choose to look for it. That’s it. I decide and intend to find something to appreciate each and every day — often several times per day. In fact, the more I find things to appreciate, the better I feel. It’s really so simple. I don’t need a fine paint brush to search for details and explanations; I need a wide paint brush to cover large spaces with deep appreciation.

Let me say, I am not naïve enough to believe that this is ever easy.  I know firsthand what it is to find myself in trying situations with difficult people.  But dare I say this might be where a deliberate choice to find something to appreciate is most needed? After all, we don’t appreciate things and people because they somehow deserve or warrant it…we choose to appreciate them because it changes and transforms us.

So as we begin another year, I am challenging myself and anyone who wants to walk this road with me to pick up a wide brush and paint appreciation with broad strokes until it becomes a habit; a routine that positively impacts my relationship with myself and radiates out to the world. I can think of no better way to begin 2015.

Please join me.

Elizabeth McGrath

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Jump Into Opportunities By Kim Somers Egelsee

There are always opportunities daily in everything that you do.  Daily opportunities to create a better you, and turn negative situations or feelings into ones of positive success.   Always look for these opportunities.  Many people get caught up in the daily hustle and bustle of their life.  People live life on autopilot and find it hard to make changes.  People must take the time to stop, and take a moment to allow their brain time to get to work and out of the repetition of daily life.  Whether you are happy and content or living life disappointed, look for the gift or opportunity.
Now take a moment and think if there are any current opportunities in your life that will make you succeed and move forward in big ways?  Something that will fuel your passion, purpose, project pursuit or profession soar?  Make a list of two.  Next create a list of at least 10-30, if not more, things that you love about yourself!  This will create a foundation in your mind.  Choose four that resonate with what you are focusing on right now to succeed and move forward.  Next, for one week, write to or connect with three people each day to ask for advice, guidance, ideas, opportunities, or even strategic partners.  Add the qualities you love about yourself and get comfortable mentioning them on paper and in person.
Think of ways that you can create opportunities on your own.  Think bold and get outside the box.  Take time to brainstorm a list of ideas, journal your thoughts, write down even your most wild and bold ideas no matter how crazy they sound!  Ask yourself, who else does what I want to do.  How did those people get there?  Research these individuals.  Gather information and gain more insight and brainstorm new ideas based on these individuals.  Go to some specific networking events that match to connect with people.  Continue learning so that you will become the guru of this and truly own what you do.
Hold yourself accountable and meet with an accountability partner at least once every week.  Review your current situation, gather ideas, gain feedback and assistance.  Create a plan of action that will lead you to your goal.  Prioritize your ideas, what ideals make you feel 100% excited, amazing, and powerful?  Take the top idea and begin with that.  Break it into small steps and create a schedule and time frame for moving forward.  Make sure to take steps right away!  Action will fuel you and show you results.
As soon as one of yourself created opportunities is stepped into by you make sure to CELEBRATE and keep going!  Journal your results, the connections you made, your credibility, success and own it!  Be ready when bigger opportunities come as a result of this.  Take the time to imagine, visualize, and see the money flowing in and your dreams come true.