Monday, November 28, 2011


 By Kim Somers Egelsee; Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

When I feel in a rut, burned out, or lost, what can I do to become inspired and move forward creatively?
It is completely human to feel like this from time to time. The important part is that it shouldn’t last too long. There are things you can do to stimulate your mind and senses, and feel inspired and uplifted again. One of my favorite things to do is to get moving outdoors in nature. It might be walking on the beach, taking your dog for a stroll, or hiking in a pretty area. The fresh air will clear your mind, and the scenery around you will enhance your mood. Another tip is to talk to someone who will motivate you. I often call a friend and talk for ten minutes, to get different perspectives on life, and to feel joyful again.
I asked two others what works to inspire them in their lives. Jessica Arana, a fantastic graphic designer, artist and world traveler ( said that travel has truly inspired Jessica along her path. When she needs creative energy and new inspiration, she plans a trip or retreat.  Travel helps her to find her true self. She goes far away, to say, “there I am”, and feed off of new experiences, languages, colors and people. It creates huge amounts of passion and excitement in her life, and results in extreme creativity and wisdom. Travel has brought Ms. Arana many gifts, including her boyfriend whom she met in Peru, while traveling alone, her belief that she can do anything, which she earned by climbing Machu Picchu, and the realization that when you’re not looking for greatness, you will often bump into it and to allow herself to believe in herself.
Shajen Joy Aziz, producer and author of “Discover The Gift” (, explained to go towards what you love. Focus your attention on the things which inspire you and take attention away from those things which drain you. In order to sustain this energetic wave of creativity she has learned you must share it.
When you share your Gifts and give back to your family, your community, your school, workplace, etc... your creative energy increases.  A good way to get started is to pick a favorite way to spend your time and volunteer that service to someone or something in need. Then watch the universe respond to your requests...this is an important and crucial aspect of manifestation and what we call infinite feedback ~ The more you give the more you get!
Every moment is a Gift. Being present to gratitude and forgiveness will create light in your being and open pathways and possibilities which had been previously closed.
It is amazing how different ideas and perspectives can help every area. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
For more info on Kim Somers Egelsee’s upcoming events go to


PASSION! We all have an inner scale that points to yes or no; or high energy or low energy. When we are doing something we love, with positive people or having a great experience, your inner scale is weighing to the positive. If we are with negative influences, in a job we dislike, or at an event that doesn’t float our boat, our scale will tilt to the low energy scale.  The key is to notice when we get the positive yes scale to the tippy top where we feel it throughout our entire being…this is passion. It is compelling emotion, eager interest, and excitement.
Inspiration from self and others is key for a joyful life. When a person regularly reads, attends seminars, communicates with others and grows from life experiences, they have the chance to be regularly inspired.