Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Manifesting Miracles

By Kim Somers Egelsee; inspirational speaker/author and life coach age 39 Huntington Beach, California; USA
Crabs, Turtles and Snails have shells, humans do not. Take off your shell and have the nerve to be YOU”- Kim Somers Egelsee

In 2009 I met one of my favorite soul sisters, Nung Rigor. She has become such an amazing friend, confidant and accountability partner. Nung and I met at a seminar with the fantastic mentor and transformational leader, Niurka. We enjoyed the 7 day event, chatting and making small talk. After that, we began meeting regularly for lunch realizing we were both Libras, both had children the same age, and loved a lot of the same things. In short, we completely clicked. What I didn’t know yet was the huge positive impact Nung would have on my career and life purpose.
At the time I had started life coaching as a career. I had been doing it on the side in the past, and taking the 7 day course with Niurka helped me realize it was my purpose. Nung, who is in the field of finance and life insurance, and I had started talking a lot about building our businesses and supporting one another. One day she asked me to speak at a large event with her. Although I had a degree in public speaking, as well as toastmasters and years of entertainment speaking experience, I had never thought of doing inspirational speaking. At first, I turned her down. Then, after her encouragement and belief in me, I accepted.It went powerfully well and this was the start of my full true passion and purpose. Nung and I began doing workshops together, and I started Willow Tree Women’s Circle, a connecting group with empowering speakers and topics in Los Angeles and Orange County in Southern California every month.
Due to Nung’s persuasiveness and her seeing in me what I had not seen in myself, I am now in my full positive power, doing what I love, and touching lives. I truly learned to let others know the power and gifts you see in them. They may not be able to see it themselves. Always be open minded and optimistic. Be open to learning from others. If you feel that you know it all, opportunities and wisdom cannot enter. Finally, I learned that being around positive people has a huge impact on shifting your life to be even more amazing. Now, Nung and I take all of this positivity we learned and add it into our workshops and speaking engagements to touch others. That is true sisterhood.
Come out and see Nung at the April 16 Willow Tree
Manifesting More Money to Create Miracles 
645-945pm at 333 Imperial Fullerton 
See website for details at

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