Wednesday, October 1, 2014


By Kim Somers Egelsee

So many of us take life way too seriously. Life needs to be embraced, lived to the fullest, celebrated, and honored. Therefore, it is important to just let go, act silly, show and give love, do the things that you loved as a child such as building a sand castle, coloring, doing a cartwheel. 

I give you permission to embrace your inner child. Who made the rules that we have to be so proper, stuffy and serious? I guarantee you the ones who are jumping up and down at that concert, wearing a bit of purple in their hair, laughing hysterically with their friends, and going to the fun events are the happiest. They are the ones who others want to be with, learn from and hug.

Take this advice and use it in your work outs. Hula hoop in the grass, run through the sprinklers, and go dance at the exciting event you were invited to. You will not only get fit and burn calories, but will ease tension and stress too.

So make sure to spend that quality time with your parents, best friend or new connection. Go to that fun filled evening you were invited to. Take the time a few hours per week to volunteer at the local animal rescue. 

Speak up for what you feel is right. Love others without worrying what they think. Act silly, even if you get that feeling others think you are a dork. WHO CARES? 

You want to reallllllllllly LIVE! Embrace, hug and kiss life! Appreciate you! See the beauty, the good and the unique all around you. 

That's what it's all about!

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