Monday, September 29, 2014

A Message from Kyle Wilson about my Ten Weeks to Confidence Course

Tomorrow is a big day! It's the beginning of your journey to eliminating fears, insecurities, indecisiveness, negative self-talk and limiting self-beliefs about yourself, your future and those around you.
Kim Somers Egelsee's 10 Weeks to Confidence is designed to help you break through barriers and set you on the path to reaching your full potential and ultimately your main purpose in life.
Imagine 10 weeks from now being 100% confident, focused and fully pursuing your worthwhile goals (health, relationships, finances, personal growth, etc.); having taken control of your life by eliminating self-doubt, negative thoughts and attitudes and become a more confident, fearless you!
You still can get in today at the phenomenal special pricing and gain access to the same 50 PROVEN Training, Tools, Strategies and Exercises that have worked for CEO's, Entrepreneurs, Authors, Speakers, Celebrities and more!
Hope you decide to join Kim and our amazing guest contributors including Jeffrey Gitomer, Amanda Russell, Erin Cottrell and more (including myself) for this amazing journey!
To Your Unlimited Success and Confidence, 
Kyle Wilson
Founder of Lessons From Network, Jim Rohn Int'l. (Jim Rohn 18-year friend, mentor and partner) and Kyle Wilson Int'l.
PS - Don't delay, act now for best pricing and bonuses. All 10 weeks of LIVE training calls, plus Group Q&A with Kim will also be recorded (if not able to make all of them) through the 10 Weeks to Confidence Membership site.

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