Wednesday, September 17, 2014

10 Empowering Words to Get You in Shape!

wanted to share an inspiring article from a dear friend of mine and fitness trainer, Dani Lau.  I am an advocate in the power of our words and how it can affect our state of being.  I love how this article exemplifies how our words can either empower or disempower the mind into whether we decide to work out or not.  

Your fitness is 100% mental…your body won’t go where your mind doesn’t push it!

As a personal trainer, hearing negative or disempowering words or self-talk is a pretty regular occurrence. When the workout gets challenging, I start hearing things like, “this is too hard” or “I can’t do this”. When people say these things, it automatically puts their brain in a negative state and makes the physical seem harder than it really is. Your body hears everything your mind says. It is quite amazing how the power of positive thoughts and words really makes a difference in performance. The things that a person says, makes it a reality for them. If someone says “I can’t”, then in their mind they have already given up. If they have already mentally given up, then of course they won’t accomplish the physical task at hand. 

The mind controls the body, and you control your mind! That is the beauty of being human; we hold the power to make a change. It truly is mind over matter! We as humans have the ability to consciously change our mental state and therefore control the outcome of our own lives and accomplishments. Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right. The body achieves what the mind believes! 

I have clients of all different fitness levels, but it is the ones with enthusiasm and positive self-talk that get the best results. One of my clients in particular, when our workouts get difficult, she says, “Ok Dani, let’s do this!” She revs herself up and gives it her all. Given her fitness level, she may not be able to do as much as others, but because of her drive and positivity, she goes above and beyond what we both thought she could handle. She always ends our workouts saying, “That was pleasantly challenging, I liked that workout!” Because of her positivity, determination, and desire to improve, she is getting great results and is feeling better and more confident every day.

Using empowering words truly makes all the difference when exercise gets challenging. If you can change your wording from negative to positive, you will be surprised how quickly you can change your attitude and state of mind. Believe you can and you’re half way there!

Here are 10 examples of empowering words or phrases that can be used instead of disempowering ones:
  1. I can’t = I will
  2. This is hard = I’m capable
  3. I’m too weak = I’m getting stronger
  4. I have no energy = I’m a hard worker
  5. This is heavy = I’m powerful
  6. I’m not in the mood = I’m determined
  7. I’m too sore = I’m closer to my goal
  8. I’m out of shape = I’m a work in progress
  9. It burns = It’s working
  10. I’m too self-conscious = I’m driven to be better

Try to use these power phrases in place of all the disempowering thoughts that squeeze their way in. In order to transform your body, you must transform your mind. Just remember, you may not always love the workouts, but you will ALWAYS love the results! Patience is key when it comes to getting to your fitness goals; greatness doesn’t happen overnight. I’ll leave you with a powerful saying that can boost your confidence on a daily basis… “I may not be perfect, but I’m better than I was yesterday!”

Dani Lau         Mind Over Matter - Disempowering/Empowering Words

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