Thursday, October 23, 2014

Polishing My Stones - By Kim Somers-Egelsee

The other day I was working on redoing part of my backyard. There are hundreds of river rocks all over the edges of the yard to add beauty, but they were covered with dirt, leaves and mud. I wondered if I should just give up and throw the rocks away to start anew. However, I decided not to waste such pretty stones, and began cleaning them individually until all of the grime and dust was off. I then was able to place them back in my yard, shiny and new.

I thought to myself that the river rocks were a lot like people's lives. A beautiful person goes through trials, tribulations, and difficulties in their life (the dirt, leaves and mud), but when they feel the feelings and work through it, continuously improving themself (cleaning off the grime), they emerge a shining, happy, peaceful being, like new, just like the shiny new stones!

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