Saturday, October 11, 2014

"Blood Moon Returning" - By The Word Pimpstress (a.k.a. Tangee Veloso)

Awhile back, I had featured a friend of mine, Tangee Veloso and an interview she was a part of that shared her confidence in life (See post here).

Today I wanted to share a beautiful poem that she wrote in honor of the blood moon we just recently had on Oct 8th that expresses her confidence even more.

"Blood Moon Returning"
By The Word Pimpstress (a.k.a Tangee Veloso)

Hello it really you?
I see you’ve come back again this year
to play the shadow
in order for me to see the light...

La Luna in its fullness
Emanating beauty
I bathe in your moonbeams tonight...

Merely 6 months ago 
I sat in the wee hours of the morn
where the dead grass lay
and the freeze-dried petals
would soon slip away

I allowed you to comfort me that night
as I peeled away the layers
and had shed those lonely tears

And now you are back
and it is warmth and gratitude that I feel
The celebration of new beginnings...
No longer do I ache for the empty yesteryears

It looks like we are once again 
two energies burning the midnight oil
What with you, wearing your crimson cloak
Soon to be camouflaged into the Obsidian night

While I sit here
Pondering...moved to write
To touch my fingertips to the keys
in order to make music with my words tonight.

Just hours before
the sky was to tick tock
into its Onyx state,
There we were:
Warrior boy 
with his long raven hair
and I

We offered chocolate rocks 
and shared loving energy 
as our gifts for you to celebrate.
Oh such healing bliss 
to witness 
that over time can procreate...

Just 6 months prior
When you first arrived
I was at a bridge in my life
Hurt, lonely and scared

What would happen if I did it?
And stepped onto the edge
to jump into the unknown
To tread waters on my own?

Oh so grateful that I had the courage 
to leap off of that ledge
in order to follow my Truth...

Trusting the process…
Even in blinded sight
I jumped in wounded flight
For you were the darkened reflection
in order for me to BE the light.

Yes my friend...
this time around
that you have come along
I rise as empowered strength
For I am still woman, still goddess

and always will be Mother to a new dawn

Tangee Veloso is a Ten + Life Coach and conscious parenting expert, speaker, author and founder of Family Love Village.

You can also watch her episode of Passion Power Confidence TV:

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