Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Being a Mother in Life - By Kim Somers-Egelsee

Being a mother in life, passion and health, we still sometimes get overwhelmed or feel out of balance. An effective way to relieve this feeling is to ask for help. Have a support system. Asking for help can sometimes be difficult. We may feel that in doing so, we are being weak or even silly. However, everyone can use help, mentoring, coaching or advice in their life. Relationships are what keep life vibrant, joyful and fun!  Great thinkers and wealth builders of the world got to where they were with the help of others, their mastermind group, and even their families. Every time you ask for help or advice, feel strong! You are gaining new knowledge, growth and bettering yourself all at the same time. It is a huge way to move forward fearlessly, taking steps daily to greatness.
Accepting help, kindness and generosity from friends and loved ones is an exceptional thing. It makes you feel loved and supported, and the other person feels great also. The important thing is to use this assistance as a growth experience. For example, if Mary is short on the rent by $500, and her best friend gives the money to her with no questions asked, Mary is secure for the month. Now that she is stable, she should use this opportunity to take steps toward earning the money herself for next month’s rent, even saving some. If Mary uses her friend’s generosity again the next month to borrow money again, her friend may begin to feel resentful. Instead, Mary can show her best friend appreciation by using that experience to get ahead.

It is great to receive, but when one ends up leaning on others too much, and not coming up with their own decisions, steps and plans, they end up becoming co-dependent on others, which can lead to loss of their true self, confidence, inner purpose, and drive. The key is to accept generosity, learn and grow from it, and then give back by helping someone else. This will help you to be an even better mom, have strong self esteem, and the courage to move forward in your life.

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