Monday, November 28, 2011


 By Kim Somers Egelsee; Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

When I feel in a rut, burned out, or lost, what can I do to become inspired and move forward creatively?
It is completely human to feel like this from time to time. The important part is that it shouldn’t last too long. There are things you can do to stimulate your mind and senses, and feel inspired and uplifted again. One of my favorite things to do is to get moving outdoors in nature. It might be walking on the beach, taking your dog for a stroll, or hiking in a pretty area. The fresh air will clear your mind, and the scenery around you will enhance your mood. Another tip is to talk to someone who will motivate you. I often call a friend and talk for ten minutes, to get different perspectives on life, and to feel joyful again.
I asked two others what works to inspire them in their lives. Jessica Arana, a fantastic graphic designer, artist and world traveler ( said that travel has truly inspired Jessica along her path. When she needs creative energy and new inspiration, she plans a trip or retreat.  Travel helps her to find her true self. She goes far away, to say, “there I am”, and feed off of new experiences, languages, colors and people. It creates huge amounts of passion and excitement in her life, and results in extreme creativity and wisdom. Travel has brought Ms. Arana many gifts, including her boyfriend whom she met in Peru, while traveling alone, her belief that she can do anything, which she earned by climbing Machu Picchu, and the realization that when you’re not looking for greatness, you will often bump into it and to allow herself to believe in herself.
Shajen Joy Aziz, producer and author of “Discover The Gift” (, explained to go towards what you love. Focus your attention on the things which inspire you and take attention away from those things which drain you. In order to sustain this energetic wave of creativity she has learned you must share it.
When you share your Gifts and give back to your family, your community, your school, workplace, etc... your creative energy increases.  A good way to get started is to pick a favorite way to spend your time and volunteer that service to someone or something in need. Then watch the universe respond to your requests...this is an important and crucial aspect of manifestation and what we call infinite feedback ~ The more you give the more you get!
Every moment is a Gift. Being present to gratitude and forgiveness will create light in your being and open pathways and possibilities which had been previously closed.
It is amazing how different ideas and perspectives can help every area. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
For more info on Kim Somers Egelsee’s upcoming events go to


PASSION! We all have an inner scale that points to yes or no; or high energy or low energy. When we are doing something we love, with positive people or having a great experience, your inner scale is weighing to the positive. If we are with negative influences, in a job we dislike, or at an event that doesn’t float our boat, our scale will tilt to the low energy scale.  The key is to notice when we get the positive yes scale to the tippy top where we feel it throughout our entire being…this is passion. It is compelling emotion, eager interest, and excitement.
Inspiration from self and others is key for a joyful life. When a person regularly reads, attends seminars, communicates with others and grows from life experiences, they have the chance to be regularly inspired.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Jessica Arana is a complete woman; multitalented, kind, inspiring, giving, creative and brave. She is a great example of a strong woman. Jessica has always explored the unknown and her journeys are her biggest accomplishments. She has: trekked the span of Mexico on her own; lived within an Indigenous community; explored Peru solo, climbing Machu Picchu and sharing native clothing with the women of Lake Titicaca; and independently traveled through England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Costa Rica. Jessica’s passion has taken her to more than twelve countries, had her work in NYC, the UK, Mexico, and LA; and has proven that a non-traditional path is ALWAYS worth it. Jessica’s mission is to celebrate and narrate her vivencias (lived experiences) through art, research, and community work. Her hope is that she can empower others to live colorful and spirited vivencias of their own.
I had the opportunity to interview Jessica, who also happens to design all of the gorgeous branding and flyers for my inspirational speaking events and workshops, and I found her to be extremely intriguing.
Jessica Arana grew up in a very small town in Pennsylvania, and has been creative since birth, having a long line of creative women in her family, At age 14, she began earning money painting faces. At age 18, she took a huge brave step and moved to New York to study art and graphic design and received a fine arts degree. Her talent led her to the chance to intern at MTV, work in impressive corporate positions with huge magazines like InStyle and People and work and rub shoulders with Derek Jeter, Donald Trump, Moby, and Jimmy Fallon name just a few. However, she began to feel like it “was not all of her”.  Jessica took new classes, met new people, and allowed herself to search. She explained that if she has learned anything in this crazy life, she has always allowed herself to take many varied paths that were true to her true self.
            Her next step was moving to California to be with her English boyfriend, and everything shifted. All she had ever gone after in her life so far had resulted in success. California shook everything up. She felt out of sorts, and began asking the question, “what is here that I cannot get anywhere else”? Being half Mexican and half American, she realized the gift of being surrounded by that culture in Southern California, and decided to go back to school to get her Masters in Chicana/o Studies. Jessica then experienced some challenges of difficult content and others being discriminatory of her mixed ethnicity. She soared through with strength, a positive attitude, and straight A’s. She learned that she could really get through anything thrown at her. With this degree combined with her art degree, Jessica can combine art with the topic of biracial identity development to reach others in the world. Her professors expressed to her that her work is valid, encouraging her to share her experiences and artwork. As a result, she was recently asked to sell one of her pieces to a famous Chicano art collector.
            Travel has truly inspired Jessica along her path. When she needs creative energy and new inspiration, she plans a trip or retreat.  Travel helps her to find her true self. She goes far away, to say, “there I am”, and feed off of new experiences, languages, colors and people. It creates huge amounts of passion and excitement in her life, and results in extreme creativity and wisdom. Travel has brought Ms. Arana many gifts, including her boyfriend whom she met in Peru, while traveling alone, her belief that she can do anything, which she earned by climbing Machu Picchu, and the realization that when you’re not looking for greatness, you will often bump into it and to allow herself to believe in herself.
            Jessica is also the branding guru/designer and creative director for The Respect Institute, a non-profit that tours through schools with workshops about connecting, bonding, sharing and non-judgment instead of bullying and violence. She plans to continue following her dreams by empowering people with her art, speaking to women and girls, traveling, and creating her own unique brand of uplifting, inspiring, and powerful stationary and paper.
            Jessica Arana is truly an example of a complete woman, continuously improving, growing and getting better and better, while giving back, helping others, and all with a smile of strength.
 To consult with jessica go to
To see her designs and flyers/contact Kim go to

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


One of the fastest ways for you  to grow yourself and your business, find your purpose, meet phenomenal people, gain life altering knowledge, evolve as a person, and have the positive powerful energy of success is to be involved in a mastermind and/or regularly attend workshops, seminars, events or retreats.
Many wonder what all of the fuss or hype is all about? Why can't I just sit home and read or watch a DVD? Reading, watching a DVD, or listening to inspiring CDs in the car are very effective ways to grow and achieve. However, the difference when you actually attend and participate in a  positive live event or meeting is HUGE! You truly stimulate all of your senses, and engage your mind in very deep ways. The energy created by you and those around you can be felt throughout the room. The energy of being involved in a mastermind, workshop, seminar or retreat with positive people creating growth and change together is an extraordinary shift for all involved. However, you do have to be "involved".
Here are some tips for getting the most out of seminars and retreats.
1.Choose the right ones to attend with your heart and your intuition. (Are the right positive like minded people going to attend?) (Does this topic stimulate my mind?) (Would my life be enhanced by attending this?) (Would memories be created by being there?)

2.Have the intention right away that you will grow and evolve. Soak it in. It doesn't mean that you have to use all of the information, but take it in like a college course, and use what applies to you.

3.Communicate with others there; the attendees, the speaker or teacher. Get to know them. (Some of the people you meet at seminars become life long friends, strategic partners, referral buddies, accountability partners and more.) Personally, I have done the research. Personal development events are the BEST way to meet the people that uplift you personally, AND help you in your success in business.

4.Take notes, visualize, be receptive and open minded. Take it in and apply it.


6. Be approachable and flexible.

7.Feel the energy, power, greatness of knowledge and extraordinary learning, growth and change.

8. Finally, realize that when you step out of your home or office, into an event or workshop that inspires, it brings out your spirit within, where there are no phone calls, computers, or distractions nearby. It elevates your consciousness bit by bit. And, step by step you evolve into your true self.


For upcoming workshops, retreats, events and seminars go to events page at
or friend me on facebook at

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Women Feel Your POWER!!!

An amazing way to live is by feeling 100% confident in your full positive power as a female. This means being in love with you, applauding yourself for your achievements, exuding and radiating joy, being excited about life, and having the nerve to be YOU. Having the vulnerability to be open, accessible to others, and living by example. Being in your full power means being an example by just being you. Your energy is so strong and positive that people and opportunities are drawn to you naturally. Your life's purpose becomes clearer and you are more focused. You dare to smile at strangers, speak up at events or meetings, take steps toward your dreams daily, and dance around when you feel like it. What a fun and adventurous way to live!
Think of women that are in their full power; Madonna, Oprah, Niurka, Heidi Klum, Venus and Serena Williams, Angelina Jolie, Sarah Jessica Parker and more! They are all uplifting the world with their unique personalities, and you can be too! These women all have extreme confidence, are daring, bold, outspoken, know their purpose, play hard. They make sure to truly take large and small steps toward their passions each day. These steps accumulate into epic extraordinary life experiences.
Start by creating a journal for two weeks, and writing down how you were in your full power each day. You will be more aware of your behaviors, communication, attitude and self daily, which will motivate you to go for it. Learn from others, books, workshops and practice.
You will begin waking up excited to start each day, embracing new opportunities and life overall.
Come experience and learn full power at Women's Exhilaration Day August 14th in Huntington Beach with inspiring speakers, a profound guided meditation that releases negative emotions, luncheon, goddess photos, interactive booths, true connections, wine and chocolate reception and more! Register
Also, check out the monthly Willow Tree Women's Circle in L.A. and in O.C.
With this much support and growth for getting into your full positive power, you will get there fast!
Have a blessed day!

Friday, July 1, 2011


I am sitting here looking out at the blues and greens of the lake, the snow capped mountains, boats, birds and squirrels running about in Lake Tahoe. I have come here every 4th of July since I was very young. Not only do I travel here 8 days of every year, but I regularly schedule retreats for myself. A retreat can be defined as an hour out of the day where you take your dog for a walk, a day with friends at a women's event, a weekend in San Diego, or a full vacation in Hawaii.Whatever you decide, it's important to realize that this is needed. Retreats revitalize you, creating vibrance, joy, calmness, clarity and warmth in your life. This leads to you looking at life in a positive way and living balanced. This is a way to begin getting your life to a ten plus. Time away from your home, bills, career and every day activities helps you to see what you have done well, celebrate successes, and fuels you to move forward toward your dreams. Time spent away in retreat can quiet your mind, keeping it open to new ideas and opportunities to enter. Most importantly, a walk, a mini trip, a seminar, or a vacation energizes you to be better in all you do.
For more information on upcoming Summer, 2011 events and retreats see

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Finding Your Life's Purpose

By Kim Somers Egelsee
Inspirational speaker/

Throughout our lives, we achieve, succeed, learn, grow, play and much more. Much of this we do with the help, participation and involvement of other people. Sometimes we have a group of people that we spend regular time with. Other times it is our best friend, significant other or co-worker. Additionally, it can be the help of a mentor, coach, workshop or seminar. One phrase or sentence from someone can be life changing, inspirational and filled with meaning. Something you hear, learn or experience can cause you to change your path and move toward your true dreams. Regardless of which human being is involved, we get a lot of joy from letting others into our lives. Relationships are fundamental to a fulfilling life.
Following your passion makes life easier, more fulfilling and enables you to be a living example For some people in today’s times, a new business or a side business can lead to greater income freedom and stability.. For others, moving up or growing in their current career is inspirational. Ultimately, finding your deep dreams, passions and purpose is key to getting every area of your life to a 10 plus.
          July 9, 2011 in Huntington Beach, Kim Somers Egelsee and Howard Crampton Jr. are leading a life purpose workshop that will be life changing. They will be helping people find their purpose, gain focus and clarity about their lives, create definitive dreamboards for manifestation, eliminate emotional baggage holding you back and much more. is the official sponsor of the extraordinary workshop. The special positive word decals will be used for definitive dreamboarding.
Readers that mention Good Terms will receive special priced admission of $97 per person for this workshop. Contact Kim Somers Egelsee at or for this special rate.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I am blessed and so inspired to be speaking with extraordinary speaker/coach/writer; Windsor Lindor at many upcoming events. His warmth, sincerity and greatness exude from him in a contagious manner. At these events you will destress, add balance, get rid of limiting beliefs, and learn to live on purpose and empowered. At the same time, you will add adventure, fun and harmony to your mind, body and being.
June 18th: San Pedro 9:30am-4pm Creating Balance Seminar (register at
October 23-30  Seminar at Sea Cruise to Mexican Riviera (3 half day workshops) Register at 
Experience excitement, balance and joy all at once by attending!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Top 12 TIPS and TOOLS for Extreme Confidence and Joy

  1. know yourself well- read, study, attend seminars, work with a coach/mentor, spend time with lie minded positive people.
  2. find and know your life purpose; what makes you energized and fulfilled- purpose+ intention+ positive people, thoughts and actions,+ what you radiate+ let go = it will flow
  3. be happy- remind your brain when you are happy; it trains you to look for and embraxce happiness more often.
  4. be in your full positive power
  5. create your own power phrase (Example: My smile exudes joy, passion and inspiration!)
  6. ask 5 people you trust to give you feedback
  7. laugh at yourself more
  8. living by example (you can change someone's life with a sentence).
  9. keep photos of you at your best
  10.  look into mirror til you love yourself: affirmations
  11.  see  beauty in everything
  12.  meditate, pray, be in nature, gardening, art, singing

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Inspiration from self and others is key for a joyful life. When a person regularly reads, attends seminars, communicates with others and grows from life experiences, they have the chance to be regularly inspired. When two positive, faith filled, passionate people work together, meet, or connect, a third energy is created. When a group of five people meet with intentions for greatness, a tenfold energy is created! Imagine the power you can draw out of this intense energy. Knowledge, wisdom and ideas are shared, the people involved grow, show the world what they have become, and the result is an amazing positivity to self and others.
          The formula of know + grow + show= glow is helpful to remember. The more knowingness you develop through reading, life experiences, attending workshops and seminars, and learning from others, the more that you will grow. Then, in turn, you show others by helping, teaching and living by example. As a result of this, you glow with radiance naturally with joy. What a wonderful way to live.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


                   Desire used in a positive way, is the key to getting what you want in life. Desire is having a mixture of hope, faith, and eagerness related to where you see yourself, who you see yourself with, and what you see yourself doing in life. It is a strong motive mixed with passion, inspiration, intention and action. Desires, when used in a powerful manner, always mixed with a good amount of reason, can get a person to create their own opportunities and jump into them, buy the home they've always dreamed of, find their life's purpose, be with their true soulmate, and more.  Desire begins as a thought, is then mixed with passion and inspiration, and with hope and faith, turns into motivated action.
                   An important aspect of your life to assess, is if there is anything unnecessary or negative present, that needs modification or elimination. Are you spending time with draining people?, are you watching too much television?, playing video games daily, in a job that you do not enjoy? Make a list of at least three things that you can get rid of or lessen, to make room for true desire to come in and uplift your life. When this space is created, it leaves your mind open, and the desires can begin. There is room to realize that maybe you'd like more positive people in your life, some extra date nights with your partner, a dream career. There is room now for your brain to start working on who you could teach you the information that could help you begin that dream job?, where you could meet those new people, and more. This making space is so profound, that sometimes you are just led into opportunities through your new stronger intuition.
                    Remember, you deserve to have your desires turn into your dreams, which will turn into reality when mixed with passion, faith and action. You are here on this planet for a reason. Regardless of anything at all that occured in your past, learn from it, and go soar to success. Turning your desires into dreams and then reality will allow you to help others, just by living as a powerful example. This alone, is a huge reason to go for it, get up and go, take flight!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


             Girls, ladies, females, divas, chicks; all of us have much more in common than we realize. We all need love, we have powerful energy and intuition, we have that mother instinct, goddess vibes, ability to multi-task, enhanced empathy, strength, sweetness and more. The special and inspirational element is when we can  come together, see deeply into one another's souls and truly connect and support each other. It is an uplifting feeling when there is a fairly large group of women that are all getting along positively. It becomes one shared energetic space that gives all who are in it, a peace, power and depth.
                Relationships are what life is all about. When a woman feels supported, and in her female power, she has the ability to elevate her family and friends, and achieve more. It is an invigorating feeling when we have a knowingness that we have built a foundation of women who encourage, appreciate, reassure, and truly "SEE" us , and love us for who we are.
                The formation of Willow Tree Women's Circle was for this purpose. A group of women, spending quality time together discussing positive and powerful life topics, bonds us together in deep ways, that keep expanding, growing, and intensifying. In turn, our intuition is heightened, our love, appreciation and awareness of self is magnified, so that it begins to flow outward to others. As a result, we are all living by example, helping others by just being ourselves, giving other women permission to be in their full positive power too!
                 The willow tree is the perfect name and symbol. The willow tree symbolizes a woman's strength and flexibility without breaking. It reminds us to keep growing higher, no matter where you are planted. The willow is known for it's water and moon attributes, and symbolizes intuition for a clearer understanding of the world. Some psychics believe that the wands made from willow tree bark, can help one receive visions, heighten intuition and develop clairvoyance. It stands for harmony and resonance( vibrating with sympathy), creativity, fertility, love, protection and healing. Most significantly it stands for female rites of passage. That is another powerful reason that a group of women can enhance greatness. It creates the space for women to grow, expand, and become even more of her true self.
                    Celebrate being a woman! Come join us at Willow Tree Women's Circle once per month. A delightful group of women bonding, discussing life, wonderful teachings, guest speakers, inspiration, guided meditations, fun exercises and more!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Steps six and seven are so significant in getting your life balanced, extraordinary, tranquil and amazing. Step six is setting goals. It is best to pick three, with one being the biggest and most emphasized. Make sure that these goals are in line with your life purpose. A great way to evaluate if your goals and dreams truly fit the real you, is to spend several minutes  thinking about what you are grateful for, what you feel could make you even happier, what you enjoy doing so much that it is effortless, and even what you loved doing as a child. After creating this list, think about how each of these things makes you feel. Does being grateful for family make you feel joyful? If you would be happier in a different career would that give you an enthusiastic feeling? As a child, did playing softball make you feel free? If yes, then your special feelings would be joy, enthusiasm, and freedom. These will help you in deciding if your goals meet your true conscious needs.
           For example, Joe's goal is to become more organized at work by the end of the year. Joe realizes that he needs a goal that makes him feel appreciated, calm and focused. By creating this organization goal, the outcome will give him these three feelings. On the other hand, Joe had a goal to begin playing in a local band on the weekends by November. He evaluated this, and realized that this goal's outcome or result would not make him feel calm or focused. Therefore, he eliminated that goal, and chooses to jam with friends once in awhile instead.
             Be sure that each of your goals has benchmarks or steps for achievement. What will you do each week to ensure that this goal is met? It is helpful to find an accountability partner to keep you on track. It also works well to mark these steps into your planner each week. You can post your purpose and goals in an area of your home, where you are continously reminded of what you are working towards. Additionally, it is an excellent idea to take a business card or paper and write out your purpose and goals to keep in your purse or wallet. You can add affirmations or tips for living well too. This way, you stay on track, constantly reminded of your greatness. Goals ensure that you are moving forward!
              The final step in getting your life to a ten plus is to self evaluate. Find out the value of what you are doing, where you are going, who you are spending time with, what you are saying to yourself and others, and your integrity. Do you walk your talk? Take some time every month or two to really ask yourself where you are at in the areas of relationships, social life, career/purpose, spirituality, fun and recreation, finance, and health/wellness. Rate yourself. The areas where you are not yet at a high level, find out why. What choices could you be making that raise this rating? Can you get rid of some things in your life to focus on what is of true value to you? Do whatever you can to move forward. Ask for help, read books, take steps toward greatness. It is so worth it!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


          The fifth step in getting your life to a 10 plus, is to ask for help. People need one another. Thats the beauty of life; "RELATIONSHIPS". To truly see yourself clearer and more objectively, most people need support of some sort. It may be in the form of a coach, mentor, best friend, or counselor. A mastermind group is also a great support for motivation, inspiration and accountability. If you can say that your life is not at a ten in all areas; (for example, self care, social life, love relationship, friendships, family life, career/purpose, finances, and spiritual life), you can use some help. Even the people whose lives are at a ten plus regularly get advice and guidance from someone. Why not create your life by design and let yourself soar? What would that be worth to you? Do you believe that it's possible? Of course it is!
          Now that you have made the conscious decision to have an even more extraordinary spectacular life, what do you do? Who do you contact? Take some time to think about who would be your best fit. Would a life coach help you get to the next level, and eliminate anything negative? Do you need a mentor, someone that you can regularly meet with and learn from? Would going to five great seminars benefit you this year? Maybe you should join a mastermind group, or form your own. All of the above would be ideal. Why not push your own envelope and move quickly toward greatness this year. Now, think on it, plan it, and take action!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


               Step four ingetting your life to a 10 plus involves regular evaluation of self. I suggest at least four times per year to truly look at what you are regularly doing, who you are spending your time with, if you are meeting your goals, whats going great, the improvements that are needed, and overall how you are feeling on a daily basis. This can involve an hour of your time, in a quiet area with a blank sheet of paper in your journal, where you write out all of these things and analyze them.
               Another great suggestion is to have a person that you regularly meet with to discuss these things weekly. For example, my husband and I take an hour at dinner on Sunday evenings and discuss our week. We talk about the things we did amazing, what we learned, how we can get better, and the steps we took toward our goals. These dinners are often celebrations of our successes that week. They also consist of honest feedback and suggestions. We even involve our four and a half year old daughter Noella.
               A thorough way to self evaluate and grow is also with the help of a life coach or mentor, where you can regularly meet with the person and review your life, making profound, meaningful changes and move forward. A mastermind group is also fun and great for accountability. It is a regular group you meet with once or twice per month to network, discuss goals, receive ideas, and be held accountable by like minded friends for you to follow through with your dreams. This powerful team of success minded beings become one another's support system.
                Remember to ask yourself regularly, " who am I spending time with"? "what am I doing with my time"?, "what choices am I making"? " what can I do to be more successful, happier, more fulfilled"?, "If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to"? These questions will help you to regularly evaluate if you are moving forward in life.
               Most importantly, be proud of yourself. Just the time you take to learn how you are doing, is a step in the right direction. For information on life coaching, mentors and how to form your own mastermind group, contact me at and check out

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


                 Step three in getting your life to a ten plus is to study, learn and grow. Spend at least 2 hours per day with personal development. Listen to CDs while driving, watch an inspirational DVD, attend motivational/inspirational seminars regularly, talk to amazing people, ask lots of questions, read at least one book per month. There is so much wonderful information out there that can truly change your life. Spend time with the greats; Og Mandino, John Maxwell, Jim Rohn, SUCCESS magazine, Niurka, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Napoleon Hill, Florence Scovel Shinn, Doreen Virtue, Joel Osteen, Anthony Robbins, W. Clement Stone, Marianne Williamson, and more. Try this for one month, and see how your life changes and moves forward. Your thinking will become clearer, you will focus more, and the secrets to success and happiness will become your essence, a part of you, until you just exude it and it is you.

Friday, January 7, 2011


        Step 2 of getting your life to a 10 plus, is to know your life purpose. The good news is that if you have not yet found it, you can make your purpose, " I will be the best "me" I can possibly be". This means dedicating time to work on yourself. The great Jim Rohn said to "work harder on yourself than you do on your job". This is so true. Doing this will reap so many huge benefits, and begin pulling you towards positivity.
        To help you find your purpose, or to make sure your current purpose is really your true calling, think of all that makes you fulfilled in your life. Then, think of three adjectives to describe these things. For example, if someone is fulfilled by their family life and their career, and their three words describing these two aspects are integrity, passion and motivation, then those 3 powerful words can help them with their  life purpose to make sure it is aligned with the words that describe what is essential for them.
      Now, take out a sheet of paper and title it, What Do I Want? Underneath the title, give yourself five minutes to write a free flowing of all that comes out of your pen without consciously thinking about it. Just let it flow. This means write out every dream, whether you think the dream is realistic or not.
       Look over your list and circle the items that can be described with your three essential words. This will help you to see which of your items is truly aligned with what is fulfilling and important for you.
Now you will have some clarity with your list in finding what is truly important to you. Your purpose may still take some time, but this will help you to focus on what is meaningful, and eliminate that which doesn't match your words of essence.
     Finally, write out your life purpose in a few sentences and carry it with you everywhere. This way, for all that you do, you can ask yourself if it is in line with your true calling. It's okay if you modify it over time. The important thing is to move forward with the intention of knowing your true self and purpose in life; which is a giant step in getting your life to a ten plus.