Friday, February 28, 2014

Thrive and Boom

The link is up to register for my special deep coaching group April 27 in Pasadena. hurry , only 20 spots! 
Special intimate deep group coaching workshop : 
Only  20 people per group 
I'm holding a very powerful Thrive and Boom workshop to help you get rid of anger, resentment and bitterness, repair and heal things that aren't working in your life, create space for greatness to come in and make a plan for huge success in your life so that you can thrive and have a booming fulfilling joy filled life. 

This workshop will be life changing, give you break throughs, let go of what's not needed and give you clarity as to what you truly want so you can sculpt your life by design. I'm limiting this to 20 people per workshop so it can be a safe place to connect , let go, allow and grow.