Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Kerri Zane; A Single Mom That Has it All By Kim Somers Egelsee

One of the most inspiring women I know is Emmy award winning producer, radio host, fitness guru and author of "It Takes All 5;A Single Mom's Guide to Finding the Real One". Kerri is a radiant and upbeat shining woman who is always out to inspire and empower other women. She has walked the walk and talked the talk of being a powerful single mom and successful businesswoman in many fields.  I decided to interview her to find out her secrets, and to help other women to have them too.
How do you stay empowered and confident as a single mom?
The truth is it’s not always that easy to stay in the flow when you’re a single mom. Fortunately I have my support system that keeps me in check. I also learned some critical skills through my spiritual psychology training that has helped me create a solid and positive path to confidence and strength. Without a partner there with you,Do you feel you get support and help from others when you ask, being a single mom?
My “village” is amazing. I have a wonderful mom who has always been my rock, a babysitter who has been with me since my daughters were born – and that’s a looongg time and amazing friends. Most of them are also single moms and the mother’s of my daughter’s friends.
 In what ways has being a single mom made you stronger?
I relish being a single mom. It has empowered me to do things I never dreamed I would do on my own. Everything from buying my own home to changing all the light bulbs in the entry hallway light. It’s 10 feet off the ground! I also feel like I am a positive role model for my daughters. I want them to be independent and financially self-sufficient. I believe they will make better choices in relationship coming from that place of strength. 
 Describe your business and purpose.
I have always been an entrepreneur. I owned one of the few all female production companies in Hollywood for 20 years. Last year I published a self help book for single moms, “It Takes All 5: A Single Mom’s Guide to Finding the REAL One.” Now it is my sole purpose to help other single moms as a resource and build a community.
 How do you get out there and date, being a single mom?
Dating can be an effort. There are no two ways about it. But I tell women that “Dating is a journey not a means to an end.” In other words enjoy the process. Don’t think of it as must “to-do” in order to find another husband. Chill! Make dating part of life’s great journey. Meet someone new, learn something from them, relish in the attention and regale your friends with your bad date other saying, “Even a bad date is a good story.”
How do you help other women feel self love and inspiration to move forward ?
It is one of my most important missions is to help women allow love into their lives, a REAL love. But this kind of deep meaningful relationship with oneself and someone else takes a bit of work and practice. That’s why I have decided to share the practical how-to’s in a 5 week project called, The Single Mom Superstar Webinar. There are loads of resources, once a week 40 minute calls, one on one counseling and more. Here is a link for more information,

I highly recommend that you all signup for Kerri's power webinar. This is amazing info for women that are single or married, moms or non moms, She teaches self love, confidence, success tools and more.
To read more on Kim Somers Egelsee go to