Tuesday, January 18, 2011


                 Step three in getting your life to a ten plus is to study, learn and grow. Spend at least 2 hours per day with personal development. Listen to CDs while driving, watch an inspirational DVD, attend motivational/inspirational seminars regularly, talk to amazing people, ask lots of questions, read at least one book per month. There is so much wonderful information out there that can truly change your life. Spend time with the greats; Og Mandino, John Maxwell, Jim Rohn, SUCCESS magazine, Niurka, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Napoleon Hill, Florence Scovel Shinn, Doreen Virtue, Joel Osteen, Anthony Robbins, W. Clement Stone, Marianne Williamson, and more. Try this for one month, and see how your life changes and moves forward. Your thinking will become clearer, you will focus more, and the secrets to success and happiness will become your essence, a part of you, until you just exude it and it is you.

Friday, January 7, 2011


        Step 2 of getting your life to a 10 plus, is to know your life purpose. The good news is that if you have not yet found it, you can make your purpose, " I will be the best "me" I can possibly be". This means dedicating time to work on yourself. The great Jim Rohn said to "work harder on yourself than you do on your job". This is so true. Doing this will reap so many huge benefits, and begin pulling you towards positivity.
        To help you find your purpose, or to make sure your current purpose is really your true calling, think of all that makes you fulfilled in your life. Then, think of three adjectives to describe these things. For example, if someone is fulfilled by their family life and their career, and their three words describing these two aspects are integrity, passion and motivation, then those 3 powerful words can help them with their  life purpose to make sure it is aligned with the words that describe what is essential for them.
      Now, take out a sheet of paper and title it, What Do I Want? Underneath the title, give yourself five minutes to write a free flowing of all that comes out of your pen without consciously thinking about it. Just let it flow. This means write out every dream, whether you think the dream is realistic or not.
       Look over your list and circle the items that can be described with your three essential words. This will help you to see which of your items is truly aligned with what is fulfilling and important for you.
Now you will have some clarity with your list in finding what is truly important to you. Your purpose may still take some time, but this will help you to focus on what is meaningful, and eliminate that which doesn't match your words of essence.
     Finally, write out your life purpose in a few sentences and carry it with you everywhere. This way, for all that you do, you can ask yourself if it is in line with your true calling. It's okay if you modify it over time. The important thing is to move forward with the intention of knowing your true self and purpose in life; which is a giant step in getting your life to a ten plus.